Our Team - Carina Chow

Carina holds a Child Psychology and Early Education Diploma from Ngee Ann Polytechnic. During this training, she honed her classroom management skills and designed activities to stimulate children’s thinking and extend their learning. Carina also created a variety of Home-Based Learning (HBL) activities which were presented in different forms, such as digital platforms and animated video demonstrations to ensure that children’s learning was not compromised during COVID-19.
Carina also contributed to the teaching and social service sector through the Youth for Autism Programme organised by Pathlight School. Carina gained autism-friendly support strategies which helps her manage challenging behaviours and optimize learning for her current students at Dynamics Early Intervention Program where she works as a Special Education Teacher.
Carina has great passion for children with special needs and considers her greatest accomplishment as a special education teacher, the relationship she develops with her students over time. She finds it extremely heartwarming to see her students develop a passion for learning and slowly adopt study skills and positive values from school.
Carina also strives to increase opportunities for children in special education schools and hopes for light to be shone on children with special needs, increasing awareness and empathy.