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Student’s Transformative Journey

Student’s Transformative Journey

When Ling, a 4-year-old student, initially joined our program, she faced challenges with sitting skills, on-seat behavior, and excessive clinginess.

However, in a remarkably short period of time, Ling's progress has been nothing short of astounding. She now demonstrates remarkable improvement in her ability to sit independently for extended periods, showcasing enhanced focus and attention. Furthermore, her work behaviour has flourished as she readily responds to her name, follows commands, and actively engages in meaningful communication.

One notable breakthrough for Ling has been her newfound sense of independence. She has successfully mastered the skill of self-feeding and confidently completes individual tasks when given the opportunity. These accomplishments not only showcase Ling's growing confidence but also demonstrate her readiness to embrace new challenges. Her transformative journey serves as a powerful testament to the effectiveness of early intervention and underscores our center's unwavering commitment to fostering a nurturing environment that empowers every child.